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BlogMeet the TranscribeMe Community

Different Career Opportunities For TranscribeMe Crowd-Members

By September 11, 2013September 7th, 2021No Comments

We’ve been talking a lot about the benefits of working with TranscribeMe, and why our work platform represents the future. Although we discussed the diversity of our crowd members, in a previous blog post, today we’d like to focus on the types of work opportunities different members of our crowd might have.

Our work is micro-tasked which means that segments of audio are split into 15-second chunks that can be worked on simultaneously. This means that as long as someone speaks English or any of our other language offerings fluently can transcribe audio regardless of their education levels. Thus, a master’s degree recipient and a high school graduate have the same opportunities for growth because our work is dependent on their own effort. Another advantage to this process is that the work is very easy to replicate and can done for as little time as the person would like. Moreover, if there are errors in the work, our three-step review process makes it very easy to identify problem areas, fix them, as well as identify the transcriber who did the work while still maintaining confidentiality. Thus, there are checks built in to maintain quality, but also to assure that excellent transcribers can be identified and rewarded through bonuses or growth opportunities.

Although QA positions pay more and come with a higher level of responsibility, they still maintain the same flexibility and so people that prove their skills, have the ability to gain new skills. For example, if a former management consultant would like to take a break and travel the world, they can earn money by transcribing during their free time. Because of their training, they may pay closer attention to detail, which would make them ideal candidates for promotion to QA postings.

Additionally, because TranscribeMe is growing their product offerings and foraying into areas such as Spanish transcription, there are many opportunities for people with certain career skills to take early leadership positions within these different segments. For example, bilingual native Spanish speakers who originally joined our crowd as English transcribers have opportunities to help with recruitment and training of additional crowd members as well as get early promotion to QA positions. Thus, when transcribers join our team, they have the unique position to make suggestions and help grow out segments they may be interested in, while still maintaining their flexible schedule and remote location.